For any airmail box, regardless of who made the box, the best way to setup a cornhole airmail box is by following these directions (this applies to a complete set of cornhole airmail box; two airmail boxes):
30 feet from foul line to front hole of airmail box
- First, define your pitcher’s box. The front of your pitcher’s box is the foul line.
- Place the back of your first airmail box in front of the foul line. This will help you visually see your foul line at all times.
- Measure 30 feet from the foul line to the front hole, not center of hole, but front hole of where you will place your second airmail box.
- Setup is complete
Your setup is complete. Now always be sure to stand behind the airmail box while throwing into the second airmail box and vice versa. When you pick up your cornhole bags from the second airmail box, as long as you stand behind the airmail box, distance from the foul line to the front of the airmail box hole is 30 feet, just as it is in regulation.
Standalone Cornhole Airmail Box Set Setup
In the standalone cornhole airmail box set setup, the airmail pitcher’s box is defined by the back of either airmail box. The distance is 30 feet from the back of the cornhole airmail box to the front of the hole on the other cornhole airmail box.
Combo Cornhole Airmail Box and Cornhole Board Set Setup
In the combo cornhole airmail box and cornhole board setup, the cornhole boards are setup at regulation distance (27 feet from front of board to front of other board or 30 feet from front of board to front of hole on other board). You place the cornhole airmail boxes in front of each cornhole board. The airmail pitcher’s box is defined by the back of the cornhole board. This will provide 30 feet from back of cornhole board to the front hole of the cornhole airmail box. This is excellent for practicing your standalone airmail shot.
However, if you step into the boards pitcher’s box, this helps you practice your arc throw since the airmail box will block the lower half of the cornhole board. When you play against better cornhole players, they know how to throw blocker bags and airmail shots. if you throw a low lying speed bag, your at higher risk of either hitting the front of the cornhole board or sliding off the back. This setup helps train you to throw more of an arc throw to give you more control over your bag landing.
33 feet from hole to hole
Setting up your cornhole airmail boxes 33 feet from front of hole to front of hole is the official distance for regulation cornhole boards but is not recommended. While this is the official setup of cornhole boards, it is difficult to imagine your pitcher’s box without your cornhole boards next to you. Unless you plan to mark off your court’s setup entirely, we recommend you setup your airmail boxes using our recommended setup mentioned previously.
$59.99 – Cornhole Airmail Box Set
The world’s first stackable and most affordable cornhole airmail box set ever created.
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We plan to update this section with diagrams and a How to Video. So check back soon for updates!